On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 02:41:54PM -0700, John Galt wrote:
> So is mozilla in main or non-free?  

You should be able to figure that out.

Anyways, currently there's two licenses here:

> If imap goes into non-free because of this one clause, it'd be logical
> to reassess mozilla in light of it. 

Feel free to look into this yourself.  Personally, I think you've confused
mozilla and netscape.

> BTW Raul, which clause of the DFSG is violated in this case?

Beats me.

I have a recollection of there being some interaction between some of the
terms of the mozilla license and the required assignment of copyright
to Netscape, that was a problem. I might be remembering wrong, or that
might have been an earlier version of the license.

I've not looked very closely at the current NPL, but I don't see any
problem with it at the moment.


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