On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 04:57:14PM -0700, Richard Stallman wrote:
>     As I understand your proposed license, it has no problems falling within
>     the existing DFSG.  This is not true for some of the others; whether 
> Debian
>     wants to extend its penumbra in the manner I described is something that
>     will have to be extensively discussed.  I'd certainly like your input on
>     this issue;
> I would be happy to give my opinion, once I see the specific issue.

Do you believe it is inconsistent with the philosophy of the Free Software
movement to accept any more restrictions on classes of computer-handled data
that are not executable code than we do on executable code?

G. Branden Robinson            |     You should try building some of the
Debian GNU/Linux               |     stuff in main that is modern...turning
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         |     on -Wall is like turning on the pain.
roger.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |     -- James Troup

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