Lynn Winebarger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> quotes Corel: > 2. In addition to the freely distributable Software Programs, some > versions of Corel LINUX may also include certain Software Programs, such > as Corel WordPerfect 8 for Linux and Bitstream fonts included with Corel > LINUX, *that* *are* *distributed* *under* *the* *terms* *of* *the* > *GPL* *or* *similar* *licenses* *that* *permit* *modification* *and* > *redistribution*. Generally, each of these Software Programs is > distributed under the terms of a license agreement that grants You a > license to install each of the Software Programs on a single > computer for Your own individual use. Copying (other than for > archival purposes), redistribution, reverse engineering, decompiling > and/or modification of these Software Programs is prohibited.
Emphasis is mine. The marked passage appears to be a typo, doesn't it? -- Henning Makholm "We're trying to get it into the parts per billon range, but no luck still."