Yeah! I am... You may not remember me. I was the tall dark haired guy wearing all grey at the LWE. I saw you at the debian booth, and I asked you who does law work for debian. You said that some law student said he would help on our mail list.
That's me... PEACE... NatePuri Certified Law Student & Debian GNU/Linux Monk McGeorge School of Law [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Wichert Akkerman wrote: > Previously Paul Nathan Puri wrote: > > A derivative work is any copyrightable work based on another work such > > that the derivative can be said to be a transformation or adaptation of > > the first work. The annotations, editorializations, etc. taken as a whole > > constitute an original work of authorship for purposes of the Berne > > Convention and the US Copyright Act. > > Lemme guess, you're studying to become a lawyer? :) > > Wichert. > > -- > ============================================================================== > This combination of bytes forms a message written to you by Wichert Akkerman. > E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > WWW: >