Kevin Forge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Keep it up.  Just curious.  Is GPL compatibility essential for 
> putting QT & KDE in Debian main ?

It is if KDE remains under the GPL -- otherwise, no.

> Or would a "simple" GPL-and-link to-QT License alteration sofice ?


> I ask because the only item of concern for KDe are those few apps
> which have some GPLed code from other developers built in. ( KFloppy
> comes to mind ).

> Can someone compile a listing of those authors for so they can all be
> asked to allow such a provision ?

I started to, last summer. I gave up after getting a few dozen authors,
and I ran out of time for that kind of research. Someone else in Debian
was going to continue the work of compiling the names, but I forget who
it was...

> I personally can't see why any would refuse. Those who did would
> likely be a small minority with a limited amount of code. I.e.
> Somebody could rewrite those sections.

They might want to hold off until Qt is available under the new license
[and/or until the license stops changing].  But, yeah, the license drafts
have seemed, to me, to be fairly reasonable.


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