Thanks to David Christensen over on debian-user mailing list:

Your E6520 is a hybrid laptop with two chipsets: one Intel graphics, one
Nvidia. On battery power, it will use the Intel, when plugged in to higher
resolution displays or whatever, it will use the Nvidia.

This is also similar to high end gaming laptops.

With the standard install, it's occasionally possible that conflict between
which display chipset to use / nouveau drivers may mean lock-ups.

There are three solutions possible, I think [I no longer have one of these
to deal with]

1. Ignore the Nvidia and use the Intel driver only. This will probably
work to some extent. It may be necessary to deny list the Nvidia drivers

2. Ignore the Intel and use the Nvidia drivers only - probably the non-free

3. Use the Optimus drivers which will allow the laptop to switch between
chipsets. This is provided by the bumblebee package in Debian - and there are
two types: one is a fully free driver and links in with nouveau, one relies
on the Nvidia proprietary drivers.

In my limited experience:

It is easiest to start with an expert text mode  install and explicitly 
uncheck/deselect the graphics drivers as you go: uncheck Debian graphical
environment and Gnome.
Install only the standard packages and minimal drivers - command line only.

Install build-essential and dkms packages and also choose which bumblebee
package to use and add it.

If you choose to use the proprietary drivers - build them at this point
with no major graphics drivers loaded. The proprietary drivers will taint
the kernel. dkms - if properly installed - should build the necessary
kernel drivers with each kernel change.

At that point, everything should work on the command line.

After that, reboot and as root/sudo equivalent, use the tasksel command
to install a desktop environment. This _should_ allow everything to work

Hope this helps. With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater

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