Hi, I have been using Debian on a Dell Latitude e6520 for ten years now. At present, it runs without problem an up-to-date Debian 10 system.
From the beginning, before upgrading to any new release, I tried its live image. This strategy has always successfully allowed upgrading without stress. Sometimes I would do an upgrade, sometimes a clean new installation. The latter one was the case for Debian 10. Now, since Debian 11 was released earlier this year, I've been testing its behaviour on the machine. Unfortunately, even with the latest live image, including non-free firmware, the test is not passed. The computer boots well and the graphical interface (I tried my usual xfce, but also mate) appears neat and working. However, after a few moments varying from few seconds to no more than a couple of minutes, the system freezes completely. Impossible to open a console, there is no answer at all, only physical shutdown is possible. I have searched for other people having similar problems and found a forum where someone described the same issue with the Manjaro distro: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=6d5881750b8f3ceb6a12708b3a7683c9&p=6287384#post6287384 Unfortunately, the only advice given is to switch to another distribution (AntiX is mentioned) I would prefer to stay on Debian, but it's true that when support and security updates will arrive to an end for Debian 10, I will need to move anyway to a different distro if this problem is not solved. Incidentally, I must say that I'm also unable to run Tails on this machine since a few releases ago, for what looks as precisely the same problem. I wonder if this trouble could result from the upgrading of the kernel to version 5.x? Or from the newest versions of Xorg or the nouveau driver? By the way, I thought that the non-free nvidia module and not nouveau would be used in the live images with non-free firmware. The only debugging step I have managed to take during the few seconds where the system is running is capturing in a file, on another USB stick, the output of: # sudo dmesg -wH I have compared it with the results of the same command on my normally running Debian 10. But my capacities to extract from there any useful information are too limited. I hesitate to send those longs files to the list. Any clues would be welcomed. Cheers, -- mol
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