Thanks from the person who is feeling more like a newbie every day. -- Brian Ronk System Administrator BookMasters, Inc
Ok, I'm finally getting back to working on this. I installed Win 98SE
temporarily to do some work. I'm reinstalling Debian now, and am to the
point where I've configured the PCMCIA card, and can now configure
Driver Modules, and Install Foreign Mondules. It's been mentioned that
I should rebuild the kernel with PCMCIA support, and do "route add eth0
GW default" on the second console. I looked at possibly rebuilding the
kernel, but I never found the souce for it. Plus I'm not sure what I'm
doing there yet. I want to learn, just havn't had the time. As for the
route command, when would that be done?
- IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL Dimitris Kogias
- Re: IBM 760XL Dimitris Kogias
- Re: IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL s. keeling
- Re: IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL Michelle Konzack
- Re: IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL Michelle Konzack
- IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL Arjen Verweij
- Re: IBM 760XL Paul Puschmann
- Re: IBM 760XL Andrew McMillan