Thanks for any more help anyone can give. -- Brian Ronk System Administrator BookMasters, Inc
Well, that got the base system installed. When it rebooted though, it
lost the eth0 (PCMCIA 3C589D card). I'm guessing something got lost,
but I don't know what, and I'm not completely positive of the commands
to find out what I need to do unfortunetly. (While I'm not a complete
newbie, I don't know quite enough to easily get around quite yet)
- IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL Dimitris Kogias
- Re: IBM 760XL Dimitris Kogias
- Re: IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL s. keeling
- Re: IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL Michelle Konzack
- Re: IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL Michelle Konzack
- IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL Arjen Verweij
- Re: IBM 760XL Paul Puschmann
- Re: IBM 760XL Andrew McMillan