Thanks for any help. -- Brian Ronk System Administrator BookMasters, Inc
I just got a 760XL and would like to put Debian on it (mainly because I
can install over a network) I have a 3Com EtherLink III, 3C589D-TP,
PCMCIA card for network.
I'm having a problem getting it to work though. Do I need to add a
module for this card to get it to work correctly? I'm not finding it
listed under the net module category. If I can get this working, I
should be able to install over the net without a problem then.
- Re: IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL Dimitris Kogias
- Re: IBM 760XL Dimitris Kogias
- Re: IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL s. keeling
- Re: IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL Michelle Konzack
- Re: IBM 760XL Brian Ronk
- Re: IBM 760XL Michelle Konzack
- IBM 760XL Brian Ronk