I'm getting a new computer and going to be putting Debian Woody 3.0r1 on it -- I've used Mandrake prior to this.
This new laptop will have a 30 Gig HD, and my reading indicates that ext2 file systems can run into performance problems on partitions over 6 Gig. Brute-force math would suggest I divide into 5 6 Gig partitions, but of course 6 Gig is too much for something like /boot, /var, etc. My current computer has 6 Gig and I don't even use all of _that_. Can anyone advise on a good partitioning choice for a personal workstation for word processing and scientific programming? Thanks in advance. -- Known oxymorons: entertainment news, youth culture, focus group. Probationary: intellectual courage, organized religion, deferred gratification.