On Sun, 16 Mar 2003 15:39:06 -0500 (EST)
Mitch Maltenfort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can anyone advise on a good partitioning choice for a personal
> workstation for word processing and scientific programming? 

Whatever else you decide to do, I highly recommend a "files" partition.
It's the place I put all my mail, documents, stuff I download --
anything I want to hang onto if I need/want to reinstall the system.

In my home directory I have a subdirectory called "files", and I mount
the files partition there during startup. So the path to my Mailbox
directories is /home/ronin2/files/Mailboxes, for example. (I don't save
mail in the default directory in /home/<me>.)

I have right now three different Linux systems on this laptop, and in
each system I can mount that partition in /home/<me>/files and access my


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