

While I use evo still, I'm not really fond of it.

 - it's horribly bloated (startup takes much too long).
 - gpg support is severely broken. This will be better in 1.2, but only
for MIME PGP, inline PGP will probably be broken forever.
 - Mail account system is questionable. IMHO the outgoing transport has
nothing to do with the ingoing transport. And the From: header has
nothing to do with either.

The commercial nature of Ximian makes me feel uneasy, too. I find the
developers set priorities sometimes on strange things. And I'm still not
entirely clear on the licensing. Evo is GPL, but the Exchange connector
is not - does somebudy know the architecture of this beast? I had the
impression that the components are runtime-loaded shared libraries, but
I sure could be wrong.

This said, I like the integration with the palm addressbook very much.
As soon as kmail debs are available with PGP/MIME support, I'll look how
kaddressbook/kab/whateveritscalledrightnow does with my palm.

-- vbi

secure email with gpg                         http://fortytwo.ch/gpg

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