This one time, at band camp, martin f krafft said:
> Can you:
>   - bounce and resend mail
>   - edit incoming mail
>   - filter freely
>   - read IMAP, POP, mbox and Maildir *without* just downloading to
>     a local directory and displaying from there
>   - integrate custom text processors
>   - handle list traffic flexibly
> ?
> I've found KMail to be the best (albeit not really stable) GUI mailer
> for UNIX so far. Correct me if this ranking has changed. Nevertheless,
> there is *no* GUI mailer (and there'll probably never be) capable of
> meeting up to the high standards set by mutt...

Amen.  I've tried probably two dozen MUA's under Windows, *NIX's, and 
Mac, and mutt is the only sensible, flexible, completely configurable, 
(I'll stop now - I'm getting hyperbolic) MUA I've used yet.  A little
learning curve, but it's worth it.  And besides, it dosn't have bugs
(fleas, maybe - (^8 ).
Osborn's Law:
        Variables won't; constants aren't.

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