At 18:25 17/04/02 +0000, p wrote:
> >Becomes quite hot
my new laptop has the sis(630) chipset and would overheat within 10-15
minutes. the first repair didn't fix the problem (at a shipping cost to
me of $35.00). i had no choice but to send it back for another repair
(with another $35.00 to ship). the mfg, embarrassed by the situation,
upgraded the processor from 1.1 ghz to 1.3 ghz. i don't know what else
they did (besides scratch up the top of the laptop), but it no longer
rhetorically, is your box still under warranty?
I've just got noflushd going-this may help. I've searched the net for info
about overheating and found little, although I did read one comment about
todays fast processors being prone to the problem. Mine is a PIII
(non-mobile). The warranty expired this month. I'm very unhappy with my
support company and its unlikely I'll send it back to them. Likelihood of
replacement is small. And it'll take a month.
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