On Tue, Apr 16, 2002 at 09:45:20PM +0100, gob wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> I had a look at your website once before, following a google search for 
> 'SiS630S linux laptop'.  It was then I realised I have a Clevo also.  I 
> have the CDRW spec (Matsushita/Panasonic UDJA310) rather than the DVD.  I 
> presume that 3D acceleration is therefore unnecessary (?).
> I had some initial problems with the linux installation, solved now with 
> woody, and thanks to the driver and XF86Config-4 from Thomas's site.  I 
> have the 2.2.20 kernel.
>  >softmodem
> Did you manage to get this going?
>  >modem
> I have a PCMCIA modem which I'm attempting to get going.  At the moment all 
> my browsing/email is done in the windows partition, so this is my highest 
> priority.
>  >Logitech USB (on USB and PS/2) First/Pilot Wheel Mouse Type
> I have a Logitech optical cordless rodent, will work on it with suggestions 
> from your site.
>  >audio
> I've yet to test this, will do so today.
>  >Becomes quite hot
> This is an extreme problem for me.  I may have overused the system in the 
> past, burning CD after CD.  Now it overheats regularly, causing a complete 
> crash.  Anything CPU intensive can cause it, eg converting a 200MB MP2 to 
> .wav (resulting file is ~1GB!).  It overheated in Linux whilst trying to 
> make a kernel as per the SiS site.  Also, if it on for any length of time 
> ie >4h, it will freeze during normal CPU activity.  I know its an 
> overheating problem as it doesn't occur if I put the laptop outside into 
> the cold.  I sent it back once, all they did was a BIOS upgrade which has 
> made no apparent changes.  I'm hoping I'll come across a linux solution one 
> day.

my new laptop has the sis(630) chipset and would overheat within 10-15
minutes.  the first repair didn't fix the problem (at a shipping cost to
me of $35.00).  i had no choice but to send it back for another repair
(with another $35.00 to ship).  the mfg, embarrassed by the situation,
upgraded the processor from 1.1 ghz to 1.3 ghz.  i don't know what else
they did (besides scratch up the top of the laptop), but it no longer

rhetorically, is your box still under warranty?

> I'd be interested to hear your experiences with the above. 



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