Hi, everybody,

Does anyone know where the site by Thomas Winischhofer is? It used to be
For the whole week (from the last Tuesday, I guess) I'm trying to access
webit.com without any success. 
Is smth wrong on my side or webit.com is just down? If the latter, then
is it temporarily or permanently? And is there any  mirror or something?


Thomas Winischhofer wrote:
> Hi everyone (and SiS630 victims in the first place),
> Pere Castanyer Sardà wrote:
> > I read a lot of times debian users asking for the x support for sis630
> > Laptops...I hope now they can use mplayer well :)
> > Yes one man did it,(this is not a mail referencing to the breacking news
> > about xfree86 4.2 support for sis630 laptop).
> FYI:
> The X 4.2 driver is (more or less) identical to the version of 16/1/02
> available on my site. Unfortunately, the deadline for committing to the
> X CVS came exact one day too early - the driver included with 4.2 has a
> serious bug in the Xv part that makes playing video impossible if (don't
> ask...) - no external VGA is connected (and switchied on) at boot time.
> This is fixed in newer versions (after 16/1/02) on my site, and will be
> fixed in the first update of X 4.2.
> > Caracteristics of the driver:
> > DRI support
> > XV support (for Mplayer yes!!!!!)
> > Sisfb support and more....
> > For more information:http://www.webit.com/tw/linuxsis630.shtml
> Please make sure that you've actually _read_ that page before starting!
> > Thanks thomas!
> You're welcome! I feel flattered... :)
> Thomas

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