On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 02:44:27PM +0100, Steve Dobson wrote:
> Hi Debian laptop users


> Reading /etc/pcmcia/network I see that the second argument should be the
> network interface name not the device name.  Why is cardmgr passing `3c59x'
> to this script rather than `eth0'?  What have I missed?  If this is just an
> RTFM or STFW please point me at the appropriate URL.

I downloaded the pcmcia-cs source, and the README-2.4 does
mention something that may be related - quoting it here to save
you the 1200Kb-ish download:

    Known problems and limitations:

    o There is a somewhat serious API issue with the new "PCI hot plug"
      interface used by the new tulip and 3c59x drivers.  It is unable to
      pass device name information to cardmgr, so the PCMCIA configuration
      scripts don't work.  Fixing this properly is non-trivial, because
      the new API is not intended to be tightly linked to the PCMCIA card
      control interface at all.  A substitute for that interface, but for
      PCI hot plug, has not really been sketched out yet.

It looks like this is what you are experiencing.

Perhaps you're better off going with the non-kernel modules for

> I know that this is the correct diver and that it works because I can 
> configure
> the network by hand.  I would like the PCMCIA subsystem to do it 
> automatically.
> Thanks loads for any help you can give

We really should have thought of looking at the source last time
we looked at this problem. It *is* GNU/Linux after all :-)

> Steve
> -- 
>      _       _     _
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> GPG Fingerprint: A220 3448 3A7D 1B9E D5BC  983D BBB1 CEC3 443A EA81

Karl E. Jørgensen
... An rfc2324 advocate

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