
i'm had problems too with pcmcia under 2.4.x but just a few days ago i
decided to leave pcmcia out of the kernel and install the modules from the
pcmcia-cs package (not the debian ones) afterwards and now everything is
going fine, i didn't even add anything to config.opts just put in the
configuration in network.opts ...

so i guess it would be worth a try to use the pcmcia-cs package instead of
the kernel's modules...

good luck!


On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Steve Dobson wrote:

> Hi Debian laptop users
> Sorry to bother you with what I am sure will turn out to be a stupid mistake
> on my part, but I have been unable to find any help in either the Debian
> bug database or on the web.
> I installed Debian just over 2 years ago on my laptop (a Dell Inspiron), and 
> with a little effort got everything working.  I have managed to configure 
> the PCMCIA network.opt script so that when I plug in my 3c575 network card
> it re-configures the system for scheme (I use a number) and I can now access
> the Web/Email/etc from which ever site I connect to.
> My problem started when I switched to the new 2.4.x kernels.  I had already
> read that the 3c575 card is now supported by the 3c59x kernel module.  So I
> built that part of the kernel as a module, and place the following lines in
> the /etc/pcmcia/config.opt file:
>   device "3c59x"
>     class "network" module "3c59x"
>   card "3Com 3c575-TX Fast EtherLink XL"
>     manfid 0x0101, 0x5057
>     bind "3c59x"
>   module "3c59x" opts "debug=3 rx_copybreak=300"
> This works well up to a point.  When I insert the drive it loads the 3c59x 
> kernel module, and when I pull the card it takes it down okay.  The problem
> seams to be that `cardmgr' is calling the network script with `3c59x' rather
> than `eth0' (which is what I found it did under 2.2.x).  I have extracted 
> the appropriate bit from my log files.
>   cardmgr[212]: initializing socket 0
>   cardmgr[212]: socket 0: 3Com 3c575-TX Fast EtherLink XL
>   cardmgr[212]: executing: 'modprobe 3c59x debug=3 rx_copybreak=300'
>   cardmgr[212]: executing: './network start 3c59x'
>   cardmgr[212]: + 3c59x: error fetching interface information: Device not 
> found
>   cardmgr[212]: + 3c59x: unknown interface: No such device
>   cardmgr[212]: + SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
>   cardmgr[212]: + 3c59x: unknown interface: No such device
>   cardmgr[212]: + SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
>   cardmgr[212]: + SIOCSIFBRDADDR: No such device
>   cardmgr[212]: + 3c59x: unknown interface: No such device
>   cardmgr[212]: + SIOCADDRT: No such device
>   cardmgr[212]: + SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable
> Reading /etc/pcmcia/network I see that the second argument should be the
> network interface name not the device name.  Why is cardmgr passing `3c59x'
> to this script rather than `eth0'?  What have I missed?  If this is just an
> RTFM or STFW please point me at the appropriate URL.
> I know that this is the correct diver and that it works because I can 
> configure
> the network by hand.  I would like the PCMCIA subsystem to do it 
> automatically.
> Thanks loads for any help you can give
> Steve
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