On 2000-11-16 03:32, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>opinion time ;-)
>my current favorite machine is the thinkpad x20.

I have recently bought a T20 which I am totally satisfied with!

>nice points, imo:
>  -hard disk is very easy to swap
>  -built-in ethernet (mini-pci, so eth0 does not appear as a pcmcia device)

Does it do full-duplex 100baseT at full speed?  IE  Can 9.5MB/s be 
transferred over it without taking heaps of CPU time?

>  -xga
>  -c. 1.5 kg
>  -2 usb ports -- no legacy ports (you can get a dock, replicator, or bay
>   station for that stuff) -- even the floppy is usb

Which ?20 model do you have?  Mine has a quite regular floppy disk.  I would 
be happier with USB though as the "reboot to switch between floppy and 
CD-ROM" sucks.

>  -three mouse buttons + non-trackpad (trackpads are my least favorite
>   pointing device)
>  -built-in external vga port
>  -1 pc card slot and 1 cf slot

cf slot?

>my gripes (mostly minor) w/ it are:
>  -the built-in modem is a winmodem(?) (i think the lucent
>   binary module may work, but that goes against my principles)
>  -pc cards and cf cards are hard to eject unless you have small
>   fingers

Agreed.  The 600E I had before had much better card eject mechanism.

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