From: Adam C Powell IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Best Laptop?
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 12:33:52 -0500

> > i've never used dell machines, but the sony machines i've used usually
> > end up frustrating me to no end because of failures and so much of the
> > hardware not being usuable for non-m$ os-s.
> Really?  

yup.  jog dial doesn't work, modem doesn't work, gps doesn't work, camera
doesn't work, ir doesn't work, ieee 1394 doesn't work...

> My Vaio Z505S has everything working (net, screen, sound, PCMCIA,
> suspend/hibernate, batmon, ext. monitor) except the modem and memory stick...
> (and I haven't tried IR)

it's good to hear that you've had a better experience than me!

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