I can't offer an opinion on the Macs, but I have installed Debian on
several Thinkpad models over the years.  My latest acquisition is a
Thinkpad 390E, Model number 2626-E0U and it seems quite capable.  

So far all of the built-in hardware is working, although I've not tested 
USB or IRDA and I haven't taken the time to configure APM.  Even though 
it has a Lucent Winmodem, the latest driver compiled against 2.4.20 and 
the modem just works.  The video was not dificult at all and worked the
first time I tried it.  Sound works well with ALSA (I compiled the
driver modules with the debian/rules script) although the built-in
speaker quality leaves much to be desired.  The Trackpoint mouse has
three buttons, but I've not yet spent the time to get the third button
working (anybody have a tip in this?).

Overall I am very pleased with my purchase and it is working nicely.
The PII 333 keeps up with Mozilla and I've played some mpg video with no
loss of sound/video sync.  Open Office is quite usable so I think this
guy is going to stick around for a while.

RAM is probably the biggest helper of any system.  My 390E has 128 MiB
which is expandable to 256 MiB which I plan to do.

My. $.02 US

- Nate >>

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