On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 11:52, Matěj Hausenblas wrote:
>       Now I stand before a decision, what to buy, I've heard that the Macs are
> more powerfull and aren't so quickly obsolete as PC's, but I never touched

Being quickly obsolete is a really good thing if you want to buy second-hand!  
Ebay has some good prices on laptops that are faster than your desktop, sure 
a 1 year old laptop is officially obsolete, but it should keep working for 
several years.

>       So if someone who has experience with Mac Powerbook or Ibook could tell
> me, if there are some big problems (I heard of proprietary HW and Apple) or
> if everything seems be OK. Also I would like to know, if Ibook can be
> bought without MacOS or if it's like with PCs:'-(

I seriously considered getting a powerbook for my next laptop.  Thinkpads have 
TCPA and powerbook's are really nice hardware.  However a friend who uses 
Linux on a powerbook told me that PPC CPU takes longer to compile for, and as 
most of my work is programming this means that for my use the machine would 
be slower than a machine with an Intel CPU.  Also some crypto code that I 
depend on has assembly code for Intel CPUs but not for PPC (which gives the 
Intel CPU an advantage for that).

But if you are going to be doing more of an end-user use of the laptop then a 
PPC CPU has more to offer.

Last time I checked Rusty was being paid by IBM to do PPC work, and he was 
running Debian on a powerbook...

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