Wolfgang Fuschlberger [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > /lib/modules/2.4.9/kernel/net directory.
> > 
> > /etc/modules.conf has:
> > alias char-major-161 ircomm-tty
> OK
> > alias irda0 nsc-ircc
>               ^^^^^^^^
> are you sure this module is the correct one for your chipset?
> usually you need a special module only for FIR-mode (Fast IR)
> for SIR it should work without loading this module. (the mode you can
> configure in the BIOS). For testing purposes first try with SIR and without
> the module, if this works switch to FIR.
My friend and I are currently in the process of putting Debian on his TP
770x, according to the documentation 'nsc-ircc' is the correct module.  Up to
about Jan 2000 (according to Google) *all* TP FIR systems were not supported,
then some clever bod made a patch, I'm assuming it made it into the actual
IRDA tree (and hopefully then the kernel tree).  Do a quick google search, I
think we came across a TP 21x FIR-mini-HOWTO (or was it a 600x), needless to
say IBM probably stayed the same way for their chipsets :)


( BOFH excuse #191:           )
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