Hallo Mitübersetzer,
im Anhang ist die bearbeitete Vorlage gslp.1.po.
Vorab zwei Punkte:

Es gibt eine lange Aufzählung von Optionen, deren Bedeutung ich
enscript(1) entnommen und in die Vorlage eingesetzt habe.

Im Kapitel "Optionen" habe ich die Satzpunkte wie folgt gesetzt:
Als erstes werden Optionsschalter mit einem Bindestrich wie
-T<n> aufgezählt. Dort habe ich wie im Original keine Satzpunkte
Danach folgen Optionsschalter mit zwei Bindestrichen wie
--add-to-space <Bruchteile>. Dort habe ich wie in anderen Vorlagen einen
Satzpunkt gesetzt, auch wenn er im Original nicht vorhanden ist.

Ich bin dankbar für das Korrekturlesen und Verbesserungsvorschläge.

Viele Grüße,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
# German translation of manpages
# This file is distributed under the same license as the manpages-l10n package.
# Copyright © of this file:
# Christoph Brinkhaus <c.brinkh...@t-online.de>, 2024.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: manpages-l10n 4.24.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-10-04 17:51+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-09 15:45+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Christoph Brinkhaus <c.brinkh...@t-online.de>\n"
"Language-Team: German <debian-l10n-german@lists.debian.org>\n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#. type: TH
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "GSLP"
msgstr "GSLP"

#. type: TH
#: archlinux debian-unstable mageia-cauldron
#, no-wrap
msgid "18 Sept 2024"
msgstr "18. September 2024"

#. type: TH
#: archlinux debian-unstable mageia-cauldron
#, no-wrap
msgid "10.04.0"
msgstr "10.04.0"

#. type: TH
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "Ghostscript"
msgstr "Ghostscript"

#. type: SH
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "gslp - Format and print text using ghostscript"
msgstr "gslp - Formatiert und druckt Text mit Ghostscript"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "gsbj - Format and print text for BubbleJet printer using ghostscript"
msgstr ""
"gsbj - Formatiert und druckt Text für »BubbleJet«-Drucker mit Ghostscript" 

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "gsdj - Format and print text for DeskJet printer using ghostscript"
msgstr ""
"gsdj - Formatiert und druckt Text für »DeskJet«-Drucker mit Ghostscript" 

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"gsdj500 - Format and print text for DeskJet 500 BubbleJet using ghostscript"
msgstr ""
"gsdj500 - Formatiert und druckt Text für »DeskJet 500 BubbleJet« mit "

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "gslj - Format and print text for LaserJet printer using ghostscript"
msgstr ""
"gslj - Formatiert und druckt Text für »LaserJet«-Drucker mit Ghostscript" 

#. type: SH
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "SYNOPSIS"
msgstr "ÜBERSICHT"

# Die Bedeutungen der Optionen habe ich aus enscript(1)
# https://linux.die.net/man/1/enscript
#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"B<gslp -12BclqRr -bE<lt>headerE<gt> -fE<lt>fontE<gt> -FE<lt>hfontE<gt> -"
"LE<lt>linesE<gt> -pE<lt>outfileE<gt> -TE<lt>nE<gt> --add-to-space\\ "
"E<lt>unitsE<gt> --add-to-width\\ E<lt>unitsE<gt> --columns\\ E<lt>nE<gt> --"
"detect --first-page\\ E<lt>nE<gt> --kern\\ E<lt>file.afmE<gt> --last-page\\ "
"E<lt>nE<gt> --(heading|footing)-(left|center|right)\\ E<lt>stringE<gt> --"
"margin-(top|bottom|left|right)\\ E<lt>inchesE<gt> --no-eject-(file|"
"formfeed)  --spacing\\ E<lt>nE<gt> [gs\\ options] [files]>"
msgstr ""
"B<gslp -12BclqRr -bE<lt>KopfzeileE<gt> -fE<lt>ZeichensatzE<gt> "
"-FE<lt>Zeichensatz-KopfzeileE<gt> -LE<lt>Zeilen-pro-SeiteE<gt> "
"-pE<lt>AusgabedateiE<gt> -TE<lt>nE<gt> --add-to-space\\ E<lt>BruchteileE<gt> "
"--add-to-width\\ E<lt>BruchteileE<gt> --columns\\ E<lt>nE<gt> --detect "
"--first-page\\ E<lt>nE<gt> --kern\\ E<lt>Datei.afmE<gt> --last-page\\ "
"E<lt>nE<gt> --(heading|footing)-(left|center|right)\\ E<lt>ZeichenketteE<gt> "
"--margin-(top|bottom|left|right)\\ E<lt>ZollE<gt> --no-eject-(file|formfeed)  "
"--spacing\\ E<lt>nE<gt> [gs\\ Optionen] [Dateien]>"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "B<gsbj> [options] [files]"
msgstr "B<gsbj> [Optionen] [Dateien]"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "B<gsdj> [options] [files]"
msgstr "B<gsdj> [Optionen] [Dateien]"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "B<gsdj500> [options] [files]"
msgstr "B<gsdj500> [Optionen] [Dateien]"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "B<gslj> [options] [files]"
msgstr "B<gslj> [Optionen] [Dateien]"

#. type: SH
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap

# Hier könnte ich "backspace" mit "Rückschritt" übersetzten.
# Backspace ist aber geläufig.
#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"This utility provides functionality approximately equivalent to the Unix "
"B<enscript>(1)  program.  It prints plain text files using a single font.  "
"It currently handles tabs and formfeeds, but not backspaces.  It will line-"
"wrap when using fixed-pitch fonts.  It will also do kerning and width "
msgstr ""
"Dieses Hilfswerkzeug stellt eine Funktionalität bereit, die in etwa der des "
"Unix-Programms B<enscript>(1) entspricht. Es druckt reine Textdateien unter "
"Verwendung einer Schriftart. Aktuell verarbeitet es Tabulatoren und "
"Seitenvorschübe, aber keine Backspaces. Wenn nichtproportionale Schriftarten "
"verwendet werden, handhabt es Zeilenumbrüche. Es handhabt ebenso "
"Unterschneidungen und Breitensteuerung."

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "The default device (-sDEVICE=) and resolution (-r) are as follows:"
msgstr ""
"Die standardmäßigen Geräte (-sDEVICE=) und Auflösungen (-r) sind wie folgt:"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"      gslp      epson      180\n"
"      gsbj      bj10e      180\n"
"      gsdj      deskjet    300\n"
"      gsdj500   djet500    300\n"
"      gslj      laserjet   300\n"
msgstr ""
"      gslp      epson      180\n"
"      gsbj      bj10e      180\n"
"      gsdj      deskjet    300\n"
"      gsdj500   djet500    300\n"
"      gslj      laserjet   300\n"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "By default the current date is formatted as the center header."
msgstr ""
"Standardmäßig enthält die Kopfzeile das aktuelle Datum mittig zentriert."

#. type: SH
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr "OPTIONEN"

#. type: IP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "Standard switches implemented:"
msgstr "Standardmäßig implementierte Optionsschalter:"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"-12BclqRr -bE<lt>headerE<gt> -fE<lt>fontE<gt> -FE<lt>hfontE<gt> -"
"LE<lt>linesE<gt> -pE<lt>outfileE<gt>"
msgstr ""
"-12BclqRr -bE<lt>KopfzeileE<gt> -fE<lt>ZeichensatzE<gt> "
"-FE<lt>Zeichensatz-KopfzeileE<gt> -LE<lt>Zeilen-pro-SeiteE<gt> "

#. type: IP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "Sun switches implemented:"
msgstr "Implementierte Sun-Optionsschalter:"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "-TE<lt>nE<gt>\tset tab width"
msgstr "-TE<lt>nE<gt>\tsetzt die Breite des Tabulators"

#. type: IP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "Switches ignored:"
msgstr "Ignorierte Optionensschalter:"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "-GghKkmow -# -C -d -J -n -P -S -s -t -v"
msgstr "-GghKkmow -# -C -d -J -n -P -S -s -t -v"

#. type: IP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "Switches added:"
msgstr "Hinzugefügte Optionsschalter:"

#. type: IP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "--add-to-space E<lt>unitsE<gt>"
msgstr "--add-to-space E<lt>BruchteileE<gt>"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"add the given number of 1/72\" units to the width of each space (may be "
msgstr ""
"fügt die angebebene Anzahl von 1/72-tel Zoll-Bruchteilen der Breite des "
"Abstands hinzu (kann auch negativ sein)."

#. type: IP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "--add-to-width E<lt>unitsE<gt>"
msgstr "--add-to-width E<lt>BruchteileE<gt>"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"add the given number of 1/72\" units to the width of each character (may be "
msgstr ""
"fügt die angebebene Anzahl von 1/72-tel Zoll-Bruchteilen der Breite jedes "
"Zeichens hinzu (kann auch negativ sein)."

#. type: IP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "--columns E<lt>nE<gt>"
msgstr "--columns E<lt>nE<gt>"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "print in E<lt>nE<gt> columns"
msgstr "druckt in E<lt>nE<gt> Spalten."

#. type: IP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "--detect"
msgstr "--detect"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "treat the file as PostScript if it starts with %!"
msgstr ""
"behandlt die Datei wie PostScript, wie wenn sie mit »%!« beginnen würde."

#. type: IP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "--first-page E<lt>nE<gt>"
msgstr "--first-page E<lt>nE<gt>"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "start printing at page E<lt>nE<gt>"
msgstr "druckt ab Seite E<lt>nE<gt>."

#. type: IP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "--kern E<lt>file.afmE<gt>"
msgstr "--kern E<lt>Datei.afmE<gt>"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "kern using information from the given .AFM file"
msgstr "unterschneidet mit Informationen aus der angegebenen »Datei.afm«."

#. type: IP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "--last-page E<lt>nE<gt>"
msgstr "--last-page E<lt>nE<gt>"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "stop printing after page E<lt>nE<gt>"
msgstr "druckt bis einschließlich der Seite E<lt>nE<gt>."

#. type: IP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "--(heading|footing)-(left|center|right) E<lt>stringE<gt>"
msgstr "--(heading|footing)-(left|center|right) E<lt>ZeichenketteE<gt>"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "set the heading/footing fields; use -B first to clear"
msgstr ""
"bestimmt die Kopf- und Fußzeilen; verwendet zum Löschen »-B« am Anfang."

#. type: IP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "--margin-(top|bottom|left|right) E<lt>inchesE<gt>"
msgstr "--margin-(top|bottom|left|right) E<lt>ZollE<gt>"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "set a margin"
msgstr "bestimmt eine Reserve."

#. type: IP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "--no-eject-(file|formfeed)"
msgstr "--no-eject-(file|formfeed)"

# FIXME "new column" or "new row"?
#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "end-of-file/FF only starts a new column, not a new sheet"
msgstr "end-of-file/FF beginnt nur eine neue Spalte, kein neues Blatt."

#. type: IP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "--spacing E<lt>nE<gt>"
msgstr "--spacing E<lt>nE<gt>"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "use double (n=2), triple (n=3), etc. spacing"
msgstr "verwendet doppelten (n=2), dreifachen (n=3), usw. Abstand."

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"Also, the string %# in a heading or footing is replaced with the page #."
msgstr ""
"Zusätzlich wird die Zeichenkette »%#« in einer Kopf- oder Fußzeile durch "
"die Seitennummer »#« ersetzt." 

#. type: SH
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "SEE ALSO"
msgstr "SIEHE AUCH"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-unstable mageia-cauldron
msgid "B<gs>(1)"
msgstr "B<gs>(1)"

#. type: SH
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "VERSION"
msgstr "VERSION"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-unstable mageia-cauldron
msgid "This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 10.04.0."
msgstr ""
"Dieses Dokument wurde letztmalig für Ghostscript Version 10.04.0 "

#. type: SH
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "AUTHOR"
msgstr "AUTOR"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"Artifex Software, Inc. are the primary maintainers of Ghostscript.  This "
"manpage by George Ferguson."
msgstr ""
"Artifex Software, Inc. sind der primäre Betreuer von Ghostscript. Diese "
"Handbuchseite ist von George Ferguson."

#. type: TH
#: debian-bookworm
#, no-wrap
msgid "21 September 2022"
msgstr "21. September 2022"

#. type: TH
#: debian-bookworm
#, no-wrap
msgid "10.00.0"
msgstr "10.00.0"

# FIXME gs(1) → B<gs>(1)
#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm opensuse-leap-16-0 opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "gs(1)"
msgstr "B<gs>(1)"

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm
msgid "This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 10.00.0."
msgstr ""
"Dieses Dokument wurde letztmalig für Ghostscript Version 10.00.0 "

#. type: TH
#: opensuse-leap-16-0 opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "06 May 2024"
msgstr "6. Mai 2024"

#. type: TH
#: opensuse-leap-16-0 opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "10.03.1"
msgstr "10.03.1"

#. type: Plain text
#: opensuse-leap-16-0 opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 10.03.1."
msgstr ""
"Dieses Dokument wurde letztmalig für Ghostscript Version 10.03.1 "

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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