Salut, La deuxième DPN de l'année, dont la publication est prévue lundi, est à peu près finalisée en anglais, presque tout est à traduire :
1 -> Debian 6.0 <q>Squeeze</q> to be released this weekend 2 -> Join the DebConf team 3 -> Bits from the Security Team 4 -> Debunking Myths About Debian's Firmware (non-)Removal 7 -> Cross-distro Application Installer 8 -> On the maintainability of Ruby 12 -> Les brèves 16 -> Les nouveaux paquets Je vais me charger des trucs faciles (les annonces spécifiques sont déjà traduites ;-) : 5, 6 et 10, mais apprécierait sincèrement un coup de main sur tout ou partie du reste. Alors n'hésitez pas à signaler sur la liste dès maintenant votre intention de traduire un ou plusieurs des articles (pour éviter que quelqu'un d'autre ne travaille en même temps dessus), et le renvoyer à la liste pour que être intégré au fichier global. Je ferai un bilan ce soir tard au plus tard, si possible via un [RFR]. L'objectif étant de finir la traduction au plus tôt et de se donner le temps de la relire ce week-end avant la publication lundi (et les dernières remarques avant mercredi, date d'envoi du message). Amicalement David
#use wml::debian::projectnews::header PUBDATE="2011-01-31" SUMMARY="Debian 6.0 <q>Squeeze</q> to be released this weekend, Join the DebConf team, Bits from the Security Team" #use wml::debian::acronyms # $Id: index.wml 1462 2011-01-28 16:37:54Z taffit-guest $ # $Rev: 1462 $ # Status: content-frozen <define-tag MID whitespace=delete>$0</define-tag> # Copyright (c) 2011 Alexander Reichle-Schmehl # Copyright (c) 2011 Jeremiah C. Foster # Copyright (c) 2011 Francesca Ciceri # Copyright (c) 2011 David Paleino # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS # IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. <a name="0"></a> <p>Welcome to this year's second issue of DPN, the newsletter for the Debian community. Topics covered in this issue include:</p> <ul> <li><a href="#1">Debian 6.0 <q>Squeeze</q> to be released this weekend</a></li> <li><a href="#2">Join the DebConf team</a></li> <li><a href="#3">Bits from the Security Team</a></li> <li><a href="#4">Debunking Myths About Debian's Firmware (non-)Removal</a></li> <li><a href="#5">Updated Debian GNU/Linux: 5.0.8 released</a></li> <li><a href="#6">Debian Installer 6.0 RC2 released</a></li> <li><a href="#7">Cross-distro Application Installer</a></li> <li><a href="#8">On the maintainability of Ruby</a></li> <li><a href="#9">Bits from Debian GIS</a></li> <li><a href="#10">Debian Project at several conferences and trade fairs</a></li> <li><a href="#11">Further <q>This week in Debian</q> interviews</a></li> <li><a href="#12">... and much more</a>.</li> </ul> <a name="1"></a> <h2>Debian 6.0 <q>Squeeze</q> to be released this weekend</h2> <p>Release Manager Neil McGovern <a href="">announced the release date of Debian 6.0 <q>Squeeze</q></a>: On the very next weekend, the weekend of the 5th and 6th February Debian 6.0 <q>Squeeze</q> will finally be realed as a stable release! Final work towards has began, inlcuding preparation for <a href="">release parties</a> all over the world!</p> <p>For those of the community waiting impatiently for the release, <a href=""></a> provides a <a href="">countdown banner</a>. As the release process takes quite some time, members of the Debian Project while provide live comments and interesting facts via <a href="">Debian's official account</a>.</p> <p>One interesting number has already <a href="">been noted down</a>: In the two years of development of Debian 6.0 <q>Squeeze</q> the Debian Project has closed 149,862 bugs. Thank you everyone for this fantastic work!</p> <a name="2"></a> <h2>Join the DebConf team</h2> <p><a href="">DebConf</a> is a yearly conference for the Debian community. Like everything else in Debian, DebConf is run completely by volunteers. Organizing a conference is a lot of work as you might imagine, so it is no surprise that the DebConf team is eager to have people help out. As Richard Darst <a href="">writes</a>:</p> <q>DebConf is a huge process, and there are many things we could use help on. People come and go, and are usually overworked after a year or two — so we would love new people to get involved. If you have new ideas, we'd love to hear about them and we can discuss if they'd work and how to make them happen. And by the way, if you are looking for a good way to get involved with Debian and don't know where to start, this might be among the best options!</q></p> <a name="3"></a> <h2>Bits from the Security Team</h2> <p> Thijs Kinkhorst sent some <a href="">bits from the Debian Security Team</a> reporting about the group's meeting at the <a href="">Linux Hotel</a> in Essen, Germany. Among the things they discussed was various improvements to the team workflow, particularly regarding therelease process of Debian Security Advisories - redesigned from the ground up; a longer security support for Debian stable - still a proposal - and backports security support. The report also mentions various other interesting topics as <q>Beta testing</q> of security updates, a README.test file to include into packages to explain how its functionality can be tested, and the problem of some specific packages which are difficult to handled because of they include a lot of source packages. The mail ends with a call for volunteers. More details can be read on the full <a href="">minutes of the meeting</a>. </p> <p>In related news, Simon Paillard from our mirrors team, gave some <a href="">news for sponsors of Debian mirrors</a>. An interesting part of it was his request for help to provide more official mirrors of the security archive. He's especially interested in new official mirrors in South America, Asia and Africa.</p> <a name="4"></a> <h2>Debunking Myths About Debian's Firmware (non-)Removal</h2> <p>After noticing, that Debian's recent announcement to <a href="">release Debian 6.0 <q>Squeeze</q> with a completly free Linux kernel</a> seems to have been often missunderstood, Debian Developer Alexander Reichle-Schmehl <a href="">debunked some myth about the non-Removal of Firmwares</a>, including <q>Debian removed all firmware files from its kernels</q> (short answer: No); <q>Debian will be uninstallable for many users</q> (short answer: There are <a href="">netinstall</a> images and <a href="">tarballs</a> for other installation media available): <q>Ah, those Debian freedom zealots again...</q> (short answer: It's not only Debian).</p> <p>He also explained some of the reasons for the fuss about non-free firmware files, and recommended all people, who find it difficult to find the non-free images, to just remember two things: wiki and Firmware, as everything one would need can be found on the <a href="">Firmware page of Debian's wiki</a>.</p> <a name="5"></a> <h2>Updated Debian GNU/Linux: 5.0.8 released</h2> <p> A new <a href="">update for Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 <q>Lenny</q></a> has been released. This update mainly adds corrections for security problems to the stable release, along with a few adjustment to serious problems. </p> <a name="6"></a> <h2>Debian Installer 6.0 RC2 released</h2> <p> The second release candidate of the installer for Debian Squeeze was <a href="">released on January 22nd</a>. Some fixes, e.g. keyboard configuration for the graphical installer fixed for several languages, have been included in this releases of the installer. <br /> The <a href="">errata</a> collects some details and a full list of known issues. You are encouraged to test the installer and report bugs; media and further information are available on the <a href="">Debian Installer page</a>. </p> <p>In related news, Matthew Palmer announced test images of the <a href="">debian-installer supporting IPv6 </a>(suitable for IPv6-only networks) and <a href="">test images supporting Wi-Fi Protected Access</a> (WPA). He calls for testers for both images.</p> <a name="7"></a> <h2>Cross-distro Application Installer</h2> <p> Enrico Zini has published on his blog a <a href="">report</a>of his participation at the <a href="">Cross-distro Meeting on Application Installer</a>. The meeting, organised by <a href="">Vincent Untz</a>, was focused on metadata (both from packages and users) and how to share them between distributions or, at least, how to define some standards for these metadata. Enrico has presented <a href="">Debtags</a> and <a href="">apt-xapian-index</a>, two of the most powerful tools for handle package metadata in Debian. As a result of the meeting, there's now the intent of match package names across distributions. </p> <p>It's also nice to see, how Debian's services and projects like <a href=""></a> (providing screenshots of applications to users and package management frontends), <a href="">Debian Description Translation Project</a> (DDTP for short; translating Debian package description into other languages), or <a href="">debtags</a> (tagging debian packages for easier search) where a very welcome help and much marveled by other representatives.</p> <a name="8"></a> <h2>On the maintainability of Ruby</h2> <p>The maintainability of Ruby became <a href="$(HOME)/News/project/2010/12/">again</a> topic of discussion, after two of the long term package maintainers, decided to <a href="">give up on ruby</a> <a href="">and related packaging</a>. He explains some of the problems he sees, which make it difficult for distributions to package Ruby and its libraries; often problems seem to arrise due to different needs of developers and administrators / distributors. The topic was also discussed in an article on <a href="">Linux Weekly News</a>. How the situation will continue is not yet clear, even so some progress has been reported. Both maintainers also said, that they will be open to hand over package maintainance of their Ruby related packages, to new volunteers.</p> <a name="9"></a> <h2>Bits from Debian GIS</h2> <p>The mailing list for general discussion of GIS issues in Debian was moved from Alioth to <a href=""></a>. As usual at <tt></tt> is open also for non-subscribers, has a more generic name and hopefully can attract more GIS users and developers in Debian to discuss relevant issues.</p> <p>The Debian GIS Blend has defined a new task <q>SAR and earth observation</q> at their <a href="">tasks page</a> which contains a list of not yet official packages which are potential targets for inclusion into Debian. Feel free to discuss this task or other ideas you might have about the GIS relevant packages on the mailing list mentioned above.</p> <p>Please note that Debian GIS also maintains OpenStreetMap-related packages, together with the Debian OpenStreetMap Team (<a href="">pkg-osm on Alioth</a>). Feel free to join us!</p> <a name="10"></a> <h2>Debian Project at several conferences and trade fairs</h2> <p>The Debian project <a href="">announced</a>, that it will be present on several upcoming <a href="">events and trade fairs</a>, including <a href="">Cloud Expo Europe 2011</a> in London, United Kingdom, <a href="">FOSDEM</a> in Brussels, Belgium, <a href="">SCaLE</a> on Los Angeles, USA, <a href="">CeBIT</a> in Hanover, Germany, and the <a href="">Chemnitzer Linux-Tage</a> in Chemnitz, Germany.</p> <a name="11"></a> <h2>Further <q>This week in Debian</q> interviews</h2> <p>Since the last issue of the Debian Project News, one new issues of the <a href=""><q>This week in Debian</q> podcast</a> have been published: with <a href="">Jonas Smedegaard</a>, discussing the Freedom Box. </p> <p>There has also been one furhter <q>People behind Debian</q> interview with <a href="">Michael Vogt</a>, synaptic and APT developer.</p> <a name="12"></a> <h2>Other news</h2> <p>Aurelien Jarno announced the new <a href="">debian-ports archive signing key</a>, which will be used signing the archive with unofficial ports.</p> <p>The <a href="">Debian Administration</a> blog published a howto about <a href="">installing an encrypted openvpn on <q>Lenny</q></a> and one about <a href="">creating dynamic volumes with loop devices</a>.</p> <p>Mike Hommey bloged about <a href="">Changes to the Debian Mozilla team APT archive</a>, where test versions of several Mozilla products (like Firefox 3.6 and 4.0) are made available.</p> <p>Raphaël Herzog noticed, that unlike <a href="">other</a> <a href="">distributions</a>, <a href="">Debian is doing very well <q>eating his own dog food</q><a>, meaning that its infrastructure is running on its own distribution. He gave big kudos to <a href="">Debians System Adminstration Team</a> for keeping more than <a href="">140 servers</a> running Debian.</p> <p>Cyril Brulebois published <a href="">Debian XSF News</a> summarize many recent events around package in Debian.</p> <p>Yves-Alexis Perez requested a <a href="">crypto declaration file number to the French authorities</a>. It is 1101027; he made <a href="">scans of the documents</a> available, too.</p> <a name="13"></a> <h2>New Debian Contributors</h2> <p> 3 applicants have been <a href="">accepted</a> as Debian Developers and 1 applicant has been <a href="">accepted</a> as Debian Maintainer and 3 people <a href="">started to maintain packages</a> since the previous issue of the Debian Project News. Please welcome Kamal Mostafa, Scott Howard, Kai Wasserbäch, Vincent Legout, Christer Edwards, Rico Tzschichholz, and Krzysztof Klimonda into our project!</p> <a name="14"></a> <h2>Release-critical bugs statistics for the upcoming release</h2> <p>According to the <a href="">Bugs Search interface of the Ultimate Debian Database</a>, the upcoming release, Debian 6.0 <q>Squeeze</q>, is currently affected by 8 release-critical bugs. Ignoring bugs which are easily solved or on the way to being solved, roughly speaking, about 5 release-critical bugs remain to be solved for the release to happen.</p> <p>There are also <a href="">more detailed statistics</a> as well as some <a href="">hints on how to interpret</a> these numbers.</p> <a name="15"></a> <h2>Important Debian Security Advisories</h2> <p>Debian's Security Team recently released advisories for these packages (among others): <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2144">wireshark</a>, <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2145">libsmi</a>, <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2146">mydms</a>, <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2147">pimd</a>, <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2148">tor</a>, <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2149">dbus</a>, <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2150">request-tracker3.6</a>, <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2151"></a> and <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2152">hplip</a>. Please read them carefully and take the proper measures.</p> <p>Debian's Backports Team releases advisories for these packages: <a href="">egroupware (removal)</a>, <a href="">kvm (removal)</a>, <a href="">request-tracker3.8</a> et <a href=""></a>. # Note: That mail was actually broken (at least for me), so it's possible, # that it get's resend and the link will change Please read them carefully and take the proper measures.</p> <p>Please note that these are a selection of the more important security advisories of the last weeks. If you need to be kept up to date about security advisories released by the Debian Security Team, please subscribe to the <a href="">security mailing list</a> (and the separate <a href="">backports list</a> and <a href="">volatile list</a>) for announcements.</p> <a name="16"></a> <h2>New and noteworthy packages</h2> <p>The following packages were added to the unstable Debian archive recently (<a href="">among others</a>):</p> <ul> <li><a href="">accountsservice — query and manipulate user account information</a></li> <li><a href="">amqp-tools — Command-line utilities for interacting with AMQP servers</a></li> <li><a href="">clipit — lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager</a></li> <li><a href="">d-itg — Distributed Internet Traffic Generator</a></li> <li><a href="">focuswriter — A fullscreen, distraction-free writing program</a></li> <li><a href="">ministat — a simple tool for statistical comparison of data sets</a></li> <li><a href="">nagios-plugin-check-multi — run nagios checks as a group</a></li> <li><a href="">rdfind — find duplicate files utility</a></li> <li><a href="">xdeb — Cross-build tool for Debian packages</a></li> </ul> <p>Please note that due to the <a href="$(HOME)/News/2010/20100806">freeze of the upcoming Debian 6.0 <q>Squeeze</q></a> acceptance of new packages has almost ceased.</p> <a name="17"></a> <h2>Want to continue reading DPN?</h2> <p>Please help us create this newsletter. We still need more volunteer writers to watch the Debian community and report about what is going on. Please see the <a href="">contributing page</a> to find out how to help. We're looking forward to receiving your mail at <a href=""></a>.</p> #use wml::debian::projectnews::footer editor="David Paleino, Francesca Ciceri, Jeremiah C. Foster, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl" # Translators may also add a translator="foo, bar, baz" to the previous line
#use wml::debian::projectnews::header PUBDATE="2010-01-31" SUMMARY="" #use wml::debian::acronyms #use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.1" maintainer="David Prévot" <!-- $Id$ $Rev$ --> # Copyright (c) 2011 Alexander Reichle-Schmehl # Copyright (c) 2011 Jeremiah C. Foster # Copyright (c) 2011 Francesca Ciceri # Copyright (c) 2011 David Paleino # Add other people here # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS # IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. <a name="0"></a> <p>Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter le deuxième numéro de l'année 2011 des « Nouvelles du Projet Debian », la lettre d'information de la communauté Debian.</p> <p>On trouvera parmi les sujets traités dans cette édition :</p> <ul> <li><a href="#1"></a> ;</li> <li><a href="#2"></a> ;</li> <li><a href="#3"></a> ;</li> <li><a href="#4"></a> ;</li> <li><a href="#5"></a> ;</li> <li><a href="#6"></a> ;</li> <li><a href="#7"></a> ;</li> <li><a href="#8"></a> ;</li> <li>des <a href="#9">brèves de Debian GIS</a> ;</li> <li><a href="#10"></a> ;</li> <li><a href="#11"><q>Cette semaine dans Debian</q> : de nouveaux entretiens</a> ;</li> <li>et <a href="#12">plus encore</a>.</li> </ul> <a name="1"></a> <h2></h2> <p>.</p> <a name="2"></a> <h2></h2> <p>.</p> <a name="3"></a> <h2></h2> <p>.</p> <a name="4"></a> <h2></h2> <p>.</p> <a name="5"></a> <h2></h2> <p>.</p> <a name="6"></a> <h2></h2> <p>.</p> <a name="7"></a> <h2></h2> <p>.</p> <a name="8"></a> <h2></h2> <p>.</p> <a name="9"></a> <h2>Brèves de Debian GIS</h2> <p> La liste de diffusion pour les discussions à propos du système d'information géographique dans Debian à été migré d'Alioth vers <a href=""></a>. Comme d'habitude sur <tt></tt>, il n'est pas nécessaire d'être inscrit pour poster, le nom est plus générique et devrait permettre d'attirer plus d'utilisateurs de GIS et de développeurs Debian pour aborder les problème pertinents. </p> <p> Le mélange (<q>Blend</q>) Debian GIS a défini une nouvelle tâche <q>RSO et observation terrestre</q> sur sa <a href="">page de tâches</a> qui contient une liste de paquets non encore officiels qui pourraient être intégrés à Debian. N'hésitez pas à discuter de cette tâche ou d'autres idées que vous pourriez avoir à propos des paquets GIS correspondants sur la liste de diffusion précédemment évoquée. </p> <p> Veuillez remarquer que Debian GIS maintient également les paquets relatifs à OpenStreetMap, en coordination avec l'équipe OpenStreetMap de Debian (<a href="">pkg-osm sur Alioth</a>). N'hésitez pas à nous rejoindre ! </p> <a name="10"></a> <h2></h2> <p>.</p> <a name="11"></a> <h2><q>Cette semaine dans Debian</q> : de nouveaux entretiens</h2> <p> Depuis la dernière édition des <q>Nouvelles du Projet Debian</q>, un nouvel entretien de <a href=""><q>Cette semaine dans Debian</q> sous forme d'enregistrement audio (<q>podcast</q>)</a> ont été publiés : avec <a href="">Jonas Smedegaard</a>, au sujet de la boîte de liberté (<q>Freedom Box</q>). </p> <a name="12"></a> <h2>Autres nouvelles</h2> <p> Aurelien Jarno a annoncé la création de la nouvelle <a href="">\ clef de signature de l'archive debian-ports</a>, qui sera utilisée pour signer l'archive des portages non officiels. </p> <p> Le blog <a href="">Debian Administration</a> a publié un <q>howto</q> sur l'<a href="">\ installation d'un réseau privé virtuel chiffré sur <q>Lenny</q></a> et sur la <a href="">\ création de volumes dynamiques avec des périphériques boucle (« loop »). </p> <a name="13"></a> <h2>Nouveaux développeurs et mainteneurs</h2> <p> <a href="">Trois candidats</a> ont été acceptés comme développeurs Debian, <a href="">un candidat</a> a été accepté comme mainteneurs Debian et <a href="">trois personnes</a> ont commencé à maintenir des paquets depuis la dernière édition des « Nouvelles du Projet Debian ». Bienvenue à Kamal Mostafa, Scott Howard, Kai Wasserbäch, Vincent Legout, Christer Edwards, Rico Tzschichholz et Krzysztof Klimonda dans le projet !</p> <a name="14"></a> <h2>Statistiques des bogues critiques pour la prochaine version</h2> <p>Selon l'<a href="">interface de recherche de bogues dans la base de données ultime Debian (<q>Ultimate Debian Database</q>)</a>, la prochaine publication Debian 6.0 <q>Squeeze</q> est actuellement touchée par 8 bogues critiques pour la publication. En ignorant les bogues qui peuvent être facilement résolus ou qui sont en train de l'être, il reste environ 5 bogues critiques pour la publication à corriger avant que la prochaine version ne puisse paraître.</p> <p>Des <a href="">statistiques plus détaillées</a> ainsi que des <a href="">explications sur l'interprétation</a> de ces chiffres sont disponibles.</p> <a name="15"></a> <h2>Annonces de sécurité Debian importantes</h2> <p>L'équipe de sécurité de Debian a publié récemment des annonces concernant (entre autres) les paquets <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2144">wireshark</a>, <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2145">libsmi</a>, <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2146">mydms</a>, <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2147">pimd</a>, <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2148">tor</a>, <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2149">dbus</a>, <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2150">request-tracker3.6</a>, <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2151"></a> et <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-2152">hplip</a>. <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-XXX">XXX</a> et <a href="$(HOME)/security/2011/dsa-XXX">XXX</a>. Veuillez les lire attentivement et prendre les mesures appropriées.</p> <p> L'équipe en charge des rétroportages a publié des annonces concernant les paquets <a href="">egroupware (retrait)</a>, <a href="">kvm (retrait)</a>, <a href="">request-tracker3.8</a> et <a href=""></a>. Veuillez les lire attentivement et prendre les mesures appropriées. </p> <p> Veuillez noter que ce sont uniquement les annonces les plus importantes des dernières semaines. Si vous désirez être au courant des dernières annonces de l'équipe de sécurité de Debian, inscrivez-vous à la <a href="">liste de diffusion correspondante</a> (ainsi qu'à la <a href="">liste de diffusion spécifique aux rétroportages</a> et celle d'<a href="">annonces du projet volatile</a>). </p> <a name="16"></a> <h2>Nouveaux paquets dignes d'intérêt</h2> <p>Les paquets suivants ont été ajoutés récemment à l'archive <q>unstable</q> de Debian (<a href="">parmi d'autres</a>) :</p> <ul> <li><a href="">XXX â XXX</a> ;</li> <li><a href="">XXX â XXX</a> ;</li> <li><a href=""> â </a> ;</li> <li><a href=""> â </a> ;</li> <li><a href=""> â </a> ;</li> <li><a href=""> â </a> ;</li> <li><a href=""> â </a>.</li> </ul> <p> Veuillez remarquer que suite au <a href="$(HOME)/2010/20100806">gel de la future publication stable Debian 6.0 <q>Squeeze</q></a>, les nouveaux paquets ne sont presque plus acceptés. </p> <a name="17"></a> <h2>Vous voulez continuer à lire les Nouvelles du Projet Debian ?</h2> <p> Vous pouvez nous aider à créer cette lettre d'information. Nous avons toujours besoin de volontaires qui observent la communauté Debian et nous rendent compte de ce qu'il s'y passe. Veuillez consulter la <a href="">page de contribution</a> pour trouver des explications sur la façon de participer. Vous pouvez aussi aider en participant à la traduction. Nous attendons vos courriers électroniques à l'adresse : <a href=""></a> ou <a href=""></a>.</p> #use wml::debian::projectnews::footer editor="David Paleino, Francesca Ciceri, Jeremiah Foster, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl" translator="Simon Paillard, Thomas Péteul, David Prévot, l\'équipe francophone de traduction"
Description: OpenPGP digital signature