Op wo 27 nov 2024 om 15:32 schreef Luigi Toscano
<luigi.tosc...@tiscali.it <mailto:luigi.tosc...@tiscali.it>>:
tv.debian ha scritto:
> Hello and thanks to all involved for making this happen.
> For me Yakuake [1] drop-down terminal emulator is broken,
>complains about
>missing a "Konsole component", even though Konsole is installed
>and regularly used.
You need the KF6-based konsole from experimental (version 24.08),
which should
be probably uploaded as well.
> Latte-dock [2] doesn't display the actual dock, it is launched
> though butinvisible.
Latte-dock hasn't got a new release in a while, and definitely
not for Plasma 6. It may be the case you may need to drop it.
On 27/11/2024 15:35, Luc Castermans wrote:
> Latte-dock: should be/is superfluous with arrival of KDE6. (I used it
> before, not any longer)
> --
> Luc Castermans
> mailto:luc.casterm...@gmail.com <mailto:luc.casterm...@gmail.com>
Any special configuration or setting to share? Do you should use a
second panel as dock? Latte-dock has (had) a lot of configuration
options about individual icons behavior, visual cues on various events,
I understand it to be considered bloat by some but it was useful to me.
I don't think Plasma6 is there yet, but I'll give it a try.