Hello and thanks to all involved for making this happen.
For me Yakuake [1] drop-down terminal emulator is broken, complains about missing a "Konsole component", even though Konsole is installed and regularly used.
Latte-dock [2] doesn't display the actual dock, it is launched though but invisible.
When trying to add a wallpaper plugin the previously installed ones don't show, but they block the installation of a newer KDE6 compatible version. Manually deleting the old ones from ~/.local/share/plasma/wallpapers/ works around it.
Also some plasmoïds and wallpapers plugins advertised as KDE6 compatible break or don't work at all, but that may not be due to Debian specific packaging, I'll try to investigate as I am not familiar with plasmoid inner working.
All this on a Sid system up to date as of now, now, now... ;-) [1] https://packages.debian.org/sid/yakuake [2] https://packages.debian.org/sid/latte-dock