On 6/8/20 12:59 PM, Pino Toscano wrote:
In data lunedì 8 giugno 2020 12:13:17 CEST, gianluca ha scritto:
On 6/6/20 8:31 PM, Pino Toscano wrote:
please use debian-kde@ as support list. debian-qt-kde@ is the packaging
list that gets the bug reports and the uploads/migrations only.
Thanks for clarification. I will do this as right now! ;-)
In data venerdì 5 giugno 2020 10:45:38 CEST, gianluca ha scritto:
Hello list,
I am trying to port a Qt project a friend of mine is developing in his
PC to my Debian Buster based ARM32bit Board (it is iMX6QuadPlus with 2GB
DDR3 SDRAM and 8Gb eMMC Storage with a 1024x600 lvds display).
Now the .pro has the following declarations:
QT += quick core gui widgets charts
QT += qml quick sql
QT += svg
CONFIG += c++11
QTPLUGIN += qtvirtualkeyboardplugin
In case the project actually uses the Qt virtualkeyboard library, your
change will make qmake happy as you said, but then still won't make the
project building.
and qmake and Makefile compiles everything (qml, cpp,...) happily.
And it works too!!
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