
please use debian-kde@ as support list. debian-qt-kde@ is the packaging
list that gets the bug reports and the uploads/migrations only.

In data venerdì 5 giugno 2020 10:45:38 CEST, gianluca ha scritto:
> Hello list,
> I am trying to port a Qt project a friend of mine is developing in his 
> PC to my Debian Buster based ARM32bit Board (it is iMX6QuadPlus with 2GB 
> DDR3 SDRAM and 8Gb eMMC Storage with a 1024x600 lvds display).
> His project is based on Qt 5.12.3 downloaded from Qt website (looking at 
> .pro):
> QT += quick virtualkeyboard core gui widgets charts
> QT += qml quick sql
> CONFIG += c++11
> But when I am trying to run qmake on my PC to create the Makefile, it 
> gives me these errors:
> Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: virtualkeyboard charts
> I have installed all qml modules and everything is related to charts and 
> virtualkeyboard, but qmake refuses to build the Makefile.
> How I can proceed further?

"QT" represets Qt libraries, so it requires the virtualkeyboard and
charts libraries; you can get them by installing their -dev packages,
i.e. resp. libqt5virtualkeyboard5-dev and libqt5charts5-dev.

Pino Toscano

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