Hello Shawn,

Am Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2017, 16:00:02 CET schrieb Shawn Sörbom:
> On Thursday, November 17, 2016 2:35:47 AM PST Shawn Sörbom wrote:
> Hi, I recently made the switch to testing and it seems that almost
> everything migrated without any intervention from me. It would seem that my
> fears were largely unfounded the only thing I had to fiddle with was
> migrating kwallet data, which didn't work the first time I ran it. But I
> got around that by resetting the migrated value in
> ~/.local/share/kwalletd/kwalletrc to "no", and then restarting kwalletd and
> kwalletd5 from the command line. A migration assistant will then ask for
> your old wallet's password. this should be the last time this ever happens,
> as the new wallet appears to be integrated with PAM. Is there any chance of
> getting this added to the Debian wiki? I feel it may be useful there.

Feel free to create an account there and add it yourself.

With your contribution to the wiki you help other Debian users.


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