Hello. Am Mittwoch, 16. November 2016, 13:31:12 CET schrieb Shawn Sörbom: > 2. My messages imported alright...but they were imported as a separate > directory structure. Long story short, I now have two "inboxes"-one of > which is empty.
I didn´t use any KDEPIM Settings Importer or other import functionality in KMail. I just moved the maildir directories over to the new location in ~/.local/share/local-mails and pointed the maildir resource there, then gave it some time to synchronise. Also I let it pick up the old kmailrc. Okay, there is one additional step: Before that with KDEPIM 4 I moved all mbox archival folders I had in the mixed maildir resource to an extra resource and switched the main maildir resource from mixed maildir to plain maildir. I still didn´t point a mixed maildir resource to the old archived mails in KDEPIM 5 as last times I tried to do it ate all memory. Maybe you have two mail related resources now. If so you can remove one with Akonadiconsole for example. But make sure to pick the right one :). But even if you pick to wrong one, you can recreate a maildir resource and point it to the maildir location again, as deleting the resource does not delete the data it handles. Read: Akonadi misconception #1: where is my data? Submitted by amantia https://blogs.kde.org/2011/11/13/akonadi-misconception-1-where-my-data And this one: akonadi/KDE PIM backup/restore https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kdepim-users/2016-October/000351.html > How do I go about providing bug reports from here? Thats a tough one. Why? - I think upstream as in bugs.kde.org would be the right recipient. - But I think upstream neither has the interest nor the manpower to handle issues related to migrate from KDEPIM 4 to 5 anymore – unless it a fix for a bug reproducable within KDEPIM + Akonadi 5. Stable Debian users are among the latest users to migrate. - Quite some of the issue like loosing filters may already be reported and lingering in upstream bugzilla. - Report in Debian then? I think Debian Qt/KDE maintainers do not have the resources to do much more than to refer to upstream. I am happy they are able to provide packages, although for KDEPIM it would be good to have 16.08 instead of 16.04, but this AFAIK is still blocked by packaging Qt WebEngine, which basically is a port of Chromium´s Blink webengine. Still if you want to report anything: Good luck! Otherwise I suggest to struggle your way through. Review resources in this list and in upstream kdepim-users list. Especially in kdepim-users mailing list, but I think also here I covered migration issues more than once. And so did others. Most if not all questions have been answered already and I don´t even completely recall it all. I migrated more than a year ago and forgot most of the process. If you need help, ask. At least you do the migration only once. I especially would ask in kdepim-users for any open migration issues. There are a lot of users who did the migration and there are upstream developers, too. Am I happy with that? Not really. But thats how I see the situation. Migrating from KDEPIM 4 to 5 has been rough for many users. Thanks, -- Martin