I decided to set up a VM to test how well my KdePIM data would migrate from Plasma 4 to Plasma 5. I used the KDEPIM settings exporter tool. Results were...mixed.
1. My newsfeeds were fine 2. My messages imported alright...but they were imported as a separate directory structure. Long story short, I now have two "inboxes"-one of which is empty. 2a. weirdly, it knows to send new messages to the inbox that already has my data in it. 2c. It is impossible to get rid of the empty one. 3. My mail filters silently COMPLETELY failed to import 4. My mail transport info imported fine, except that my incoming and outgoing transports lost their human readable names and are replaced with titles like "akonadi-resource-125467a" -- annoying but not a huge issue. 5. Local Contacts imported fine 5a. gmail contacts are nowhere to be found. 6. Calender and tasks silently failed to import, Something tells me this may be a Google Calenders issue. 7. I did not test KAlarms I should note that I have multiple gmail calanders and accounts plus my local resource. I also got nonsensical dialog boxes about providing a directory for my gmail contact and calanders-- which gave me options to put directories into my mailbox(??). How do I go about providing bug reports from here? Thanks, --Shawn