On Thursday, July 28, 2016 16:54:43 Tim Ruehsen wrote:

> So, you are on Sid/unstable ?
> And you did
> apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade before ?
> okular never stopped working here and I use it quite often.
> $ dpkg -l '*okular*'
> ii  libokularcore6                  4:15.08.3-1          amd64
> libraries for the Okular document viewer
> ii  libokularcore7                  4:16.04.2-1          amd64
> libraries for the Okular document viewer
> ii  okular                          4:16.04.2-1          amd64
> universal document viewer
> ii  okular-extra-backends           4:16.04.2-1          amd64
> additional document format support for Okular

Looking at the messages here, and also at 
I was a bit overenthusiastic, and thought version numbers beginning with "4:4|
4:15" was mostly something of the past.
The output output of:

aptitude search -F"%p; %V; %d" -t sid '?installed(?version("4:4|
4:15")?maintainer(debian-qt-kde))'|egrep "4:4|4:15"|wc -l

might not be so relevant, but it yields a "surprising?" 132 on my system.


> But I guess libokularcore6 is orphaned and could be purged.
> What exactly is your problem now ?
> Tim

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