On Tuesday, July 26, 2016 7:13:40 PM CEST Sandro Knauß wrote:
> Hi,
> [snip]
> > Does this also happen when you remove ~/.local/share/akonadi/search_db?
> > Move it out of the way and also have "initialIndexingDone=false" false
> > set and then restart.

Did that several times. It still happens.

> wait my systems tells me that the files are still under
> ~/.local/share/baloo/ contacts etc.
> % ps aux | grep akonadi_in
> % ls -lsa  /proc/<pid of indexer>/fd

That shows me the same as for Martin:

> > If that doesn´t work, I think I don´t have any idea anymore. Escept than
> > to
> > watch ~/.xsession-errors, with relevant stuff in kdebugdialog dialog
> > enabled.
> Well we can first test the xapian db itself. You need xapian-tools
> installed:

>  % delve ~/.local/share/baloo/email
> UUID = blablabla
> number of documents = 40123456
> average document length = 1900.00
> document length lower bound = 3
> document length upper bound = 6000000
> highest document id ever used = 705000
> has positional information = false

$ delve ~/.local/share/akonadi/search_db/email
UUID = a7ce645f-ed4a-48f3-980a-a188ed565ae1
number of documents = 635
average document length = 1856.19
document length lower bound = 583
document length upper bound = 10509
highest document id ever used = 59502
has positional information = false

Number of docs is by far too low.

> %xapian-cheeck ~/.local/share/baloo/email

$ xapian-check ~/.local/share/akonadi/search_db/email
baseA blocksize=8K items=635 lastblock=10 revision=134 levels=1 root=5
B-tree checked okay
record table structure checked OK

baseA blocksize=8K items=1270 lastblock=431 revision=134 levels=1 root=402
B-tree checked okay
termlist table structure checked OK

baseA blocksize=8K items=82443 lastblock=1063 revision=134 levels=2 root=8
B-tree checked okay
postlist table structure checked OK

Lazily created, and not yet used.

Lazily created, and not yet used.

Lazily created, and not yet used.

No errors found

'postlist' shows at least a reasonable number of items...

One thing I remember... someone said with IMAP accounts, you have to download 
the emails, else indexing does not work.
My POP3 accounts have the hook at "Leave the messages on the server" and "Days 
to leave messages" is set to 7. Is it possible that this setting accidentally 
prevents indexing ? It looks like all new emails become indexed, but not the 
old ones (though they are 'physically' downloaded and stay on disk).

> and you can ask the terms for a giving element in akonadi by:
> % delve ~/.local/share/baloo/email -r 297603
> [see a list of all terms for this item]
> to enable debuging output for akonadi search use kdebugsettings.
> @martin kdebugdialog/ kdebugdialog5 are not more useful anymore for kdepim,
> because it has switched logging to qt logging categories.

I set all hooks and said Apply, Save. Do you have instruction what to do and 
where to look at ?

Regards, Tim

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