Hi Rendy,

Am Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2016, 09:08:43 CEST schrieb rhkra...@gmail.com:
> Volker,
> On Thursday, July 28, 2016 07:46:55 AM Volker Groll wrote:
> > Any help is appreciated
> You might not consider this help, but I'll make the suggestion anyway.
It leads away from my question, but let's give a try.

> Perhaps it is worth considering a different tool to do the indexing and
> searching of your emails (and, presumably, other documents on your local
> disk)?
Actually I'm a little frustrated about akonadi/baloo (as it was from 3->4),
but I like the idea having all my pim information within one gui to support my
daily work with communication. I have a setup with 2 local Maildirs a bunch
of email accounts (2 imap, about 8 pop) and an owncloud server for calendar
and contacts. Most of the time I'm able to get my work done. But I got used
to search both file and mail within the last years, so what to do?
I'm using the search in dolpin and kmail to check old information on still
running projects --- actually it's somewhat like my CRM tool. 
With the integration in KDE, I can access --- in therory -- all information 
in a comfortable way.

> There are a number of reasons for this--one is to avoid being pushed into
> upgrade cycles based on other things--what I mean is, (iirc) you are now
> being forced to upgrade your email client and indexing search tool because
> you are either upgrading your Debian version or your version of KDE.
> An independent tool, would be on its own cycle, and you could choose (within
> limitations) to upgrade or not when you upgraded your Debian or KDE
> versions.
> I like recoll--google for it.  It works with many documents including
> various email stores, but I'm not sure whether or how it deals with Imap. 
> On the other hand, if you are storing the imap file(s) locally, I would
> think it should be able to handle it.
> I have corresponded with the recoll developer and he has been helpful when I
> needed help.
> One caveat--this is only a vague recollection, but I think that at one time
> kde was considering adopting (and, of course renaming) recoll for their
> indexing and search tool--perhaps it is even the basis for akonadi.
> But, even if it is, switching to recoll instead of akonadi would get you out
> of the forced upgrades situation.
> regards,
> Randy Kramer

I'm convinced there are a bunch of tools doing the index work. 
Every time the discussion runs towards "I have a problem with a tool" there
is a discussion "use an other (of course better) tool". Hm. 
Unfortunately there is no endless time to test all other tools to find a 
'best' one. 
I did a short look at recoll, but I find it not handy. I do not find i.e. the 
search for a sender of an email. My first impression is:  adequate for file
search, but it will took time get all my procedures adopted and learned 
with this tool. Hmmm.

Regards, volker

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