On Sunday 19 March 2006 19:12, Robert Gomułka wrote: 
> Ok, let's start - I use KMail from KDE 3.5.1 in Debian SID. I want to reply
> to users' emails with customized reply strings, depending on user language.
> So I have in Settings -> KMail configuration -> Editor -> Phrases two
> languages:
> - american english (en_US)
> - polish (pl)
> In first of them I have in "reply to sender" field:
> On %D, you wrote:
> In second:
> Dnia %D, napisałeś:
> But when I click on reply to any message, I get:
> Dnia Wednesday 15 February 2006 12:06, napisałeś:
> It is the same for every message :\
I think I have the same or a similar problem. Was this bug ever reported?

I use also KMail from KDE 3.5.1 in Debian Sid, and as the original poster I 
also have two languages set in the Phrases settings (Settings -> KMail 
configuration -> Editor -> Phrases): Swedish (sv) and American English 
(en_US). My locale is set to Swedish, as is the language settings in KDE.

If I select Swedish phrases and reply to a mail I get the expected result:
"söndag 19 mars 2006 19:12 skrev xxxx yyyy:". Both the date formatting and the 
language is correct here (Swedish).

If I on the other hand select English phrases and reply to a mail I get the 
"Sunday 19 March 2006 19:12 skrev xxxx yyyy:"
Here the date format is correct, but the rest of the phrase is still in 
Swedish. The format string is unchanged from the default and looks like this: 
"On %D, %F wrote:"

Here's the strange part: If I manually change anything in the phrase format 
string (e.g. add a space) I get the correct behavior. E.g. if I change the 
format string to: "On %D, %F wrote: " (not the extra space at the end), the 
result is:
"On Sunday 19 March 2006 19:12, xxxx yyyy wrote: "

So it seems that I can easily fix the problem by simply adding an ending space 
to the format string, but it still seems a bit weird.

Any comments?

Mats Klingberg

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