On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 01:45:05PM -0600, Michael Merritt wrote:
> I'm looking for a support/ticket tracking application.  Here are two I've 
> found:
> Double Choco Latte:  http://dcl.sourceforge.net/
> RT (Request Tracker):  http://www.bestpractical.com/rt/
> I've started to set up RT, but it is a royal pain, and I don't know enough 
> about the required Apache modules to get it working.  I'm about to start 
> working with DCL to see if it will do what I need it to.
> However, I thought I would pose the question to the list to see if anyone 
> here is running a support ticket tracking application for a helpdesk/ISP type 
> scenario, and if so, what are you using?  I know this may be off-topic, other 
> than the fact that it will run on a Debian server.  ;-)

I'm running the 1.X version of RT (webrt) that comes with Debian. I've heard
rumors of the 2.x series being available soon as a .deb, with an upgrade
script from 1 to 2.


   >> Tim Sailer (at home)             ><  Coastal Internet,Inc.           <<
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