> >     is there anybody here doing that ?
> > i.e., piping apache logs directly to MySQL ?  also, can anyone suggest
> > to me any app w/c converts
> > and puts apache logs in MySQL tables ?
> Well, debian's got it all covered:
> Package: libapache-dbilogger-perl
<package details snipped>

> btw, why do you choose mysql? it ain't free, it ain't any good
> try Oracle, Sybase, PostgresSQl,
> they are ok, and Postgres is free

Also consider InterBase. The new version's source will go open 'til July,
is is a competitor of Oracle and Sybase and it's free.
www.interbase.com www.interbase2000.org
There's a very good Perl module for direct link with InterBase:
Also there you can find information about connection to Interbase with

Damyan Ivanov
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