Am Sun, Dec 03, 2023 at 02:18:44PM +0100 schrieb Thomas Lange:
> >>>>> On Sun, 3 Dec 2023 11:19:51 +0100, Marc Haber 
> >>>>> <mh+debian-i...@zugschlus.de> said:
>     > How does, for example, /security work? Will the German page show
>     > today's DSA automatically?
> Yes, the list of DSA (or DLA) are generated automatically
> and the list is then included for every language.
> But the note on the top (about outdated translation) may be confusing
> to our users, because we do not say which part(s) or how much of the
> web pages are outdated. For the security pages it means that only some
> parts of the text is outdated but not the list of security
> announcements. But that's not clear to our readers.

Then we should make this clearer, and if possible include as much
current translated content as present. 

> This is a common problem. Even if we only do a small change (e.g. http
> to https), the translated pages may say "hey, use the english version,
> because I'm not up-to-date." That's anoying and I guess after you hit
> this situation several times, you will stuck on reading the english
> version if it's possible for you.

And possibly having a hard time to.

We try to be inclusive ("universal operating system") so we should
look for solutions instead of dropping a significant portion of
(potential) users. So work on the tooling.

At least I (manpages-l10n) strive hard to have as many current
translations as possible, so users are able to read most of the page
in their langauge, even if the explantion for the latest option is not
yet translated (but they might be satisfied with the rest).

Make it easy for the (few) translators and present as much as possible

For mostly static text this is much easier than for highly dynamic,
that is of course true.



      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     deb...@helgefjell.de
           Dipl.-Phys.                   http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php
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