>>>>> On Sun, 3 Dec 2023 11:19:51 +0100, Marc Haber 
>>>>> <mh+debian-i...@zugschlus.de> said:

    > How does, for example, /security work? Will the German page show
    > today's DSA automatically?
Yes, the list of DSA (or DLA) are generated automatically
and the list is then included for every language.

But the note on the top (about outdated translation) may be confusing
to our users, because we do not say which part(s) or how much of the
web pages are outdated. For the security pages it means that only some
parts of the text is outdated but not the list of security
announcements. But that's not clear to our readers.

This is a common problem. Even if we only do a small change (e.g. http
to https), the translated pages may say "hey, use the english version,
because I'm not up-to-date." That's anoying and I guess after you hit
this situation several times, you will stuck on reading the english
version if it's possible for you.

regards Thomas

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