Hi Victor,

Am Montag, 5. Februar 2018 schrieb victor.ibragi...@gmail.com:
> Hi Debian-i18n team!
> Tajik translation for debian-installer (sublevel1) is now 100%.
That is great, thanks!
> However, the translation is not final, as some terminology is still under
> the review by our local language authority (the Committee of Language and
> Terminology by the Government of Republic of Tajikistan).
> Meantime I am checking the updated Tajik translations by going through the
> installations process to resolve some stylistic and declination issues, so I
> need fresh daily ISO builds with updated Tajik translations.
> Also I found that country names are not translated into Tajik. It looks like
> translation files for debian-installer do not contain country names as well.

Country names are imported from iso-codes package.
That is to have one central place for this, instead of having
every project to maintain its own.
That is also documented here:
> So, please, prompt on how to translate country names into Tajik.

iso-codes repo is here:

You can translate country names (ISO 3166-1) here:

However Tajik is not activated there.
CC'ing Tobias as it's maintainer:

Tobias, could you please enable Tajik for ISO3166-1 ?
> And I would like to re-check if this link for ISO download is OK to use to
> review the latest translations in live:
> https://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/i386/daily/netboot/

That should be fine.


Sent from my Jolla phone

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