Quoting victor.ibragi...@gmail.com (victor.ibragi...@gmail.com): > Hi Debian-i18n team! > > > > Tajik translation for debian-installer (sublevel1) is now 100%. > > However, the translation is not final, as some terminology is still under > the review by our local language authority (the Committee of Language and > Terminology by the Government of Republic of Tajikistan). > > > > Meantime I am checking the updated Tajik translations by going through the > installations process to resolve some stylistic and declination issues, so I > need fresh daily ISO builds with updated Tajik translations. > > > > Also I found that country names are not translated into Tajik. It looks like > translation files for debian-installer do not contain country names as well. > > So, please, prompt on how to translate country names into Tajik.
This is described in the D-I i18n documentation: country names translations are in the iso-codes package, which is not under maintenance by the D-I team (I happened to be one of its maintainerss some years ago but handed maintenance over to Tobias Quatamer). The D-I i18n documentation also describes a few other things that happen to be visible in D-I but are not maintained by the D-I team. This is what's called the levels 2 and 3. iso-codes is the most important of all these. iso-codes can be translated through the Translation Project (a l10n infrastructure which is external to the Debian Project), or manually by downloading the source code, finding the right POT file and sending translation back as a bug report against the iso-codes package.
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