Hi Debian-i18n team!


Tajik translation for debian-installer (sublevel1) is now 100%.

However, the translation is not final, as some terminology is still under
the review by our local language authority (the Committee of Language and
Terminology by the Government of Republic of Tajikistan).


Meantime I am checking the updated Tajik translations by going through the
installations process to resolve some stylistic and declination issues, so I
need fresh daily ISO builds with updated Tajik translations.


Also I found that country names are not translated into Tajik. It looks like
translation files for debian-installer do not contain country names as well.

So, please, prompt on how to translate country names into Tajik. 


And I would like to re-check if this link for ISO download is OK to use to
review the latest translations in live:



Please, see the attached screen capture below (Country names are not


Thank you for prompt reply,


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