Hi, 2015-06-08 23:39 GMT+05:00 Holger Wansing <li...@wansing-online.de>: > > It's not just russian. > Also German, English, French, Italian, Romanian, Swedish and Spanish pdf > files > contain corrupted characters, look at the very first two lines at page 1. >
Yes, I've got that message about broken English PDFs. > Japanese and Polish pdf files cannot even be opened, the files are no > valid pdf files. > Building of Japanese and Polish PDF is disables in Makefile (see DISABLED_PDF variable), so there are just no such PDFs. > Seems there is a lot broken with the builds. > I've reported that several days ago to BTS as #787759 ( https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=787759), but maybe that is not a dblatex bug, who knows... Cheers! Lev