On Monday 17 February 2014, at 12:48 +0100, Sebastian Humenda wrote:


> >In any case, if you find templates and use them to make a list of
> >translations, there are tools to get them into the database directly. So
> >focus on that part and post the result here for review. Once you get buy in
> >we can get them into the database.
> Of which tools are you speaking? I would with my current understanding prefer 
> the
> e-mail interface, since it is easy to program. But as Beatrice pointed out, 
> that
> wouldn't work for Italian and therefore we need a different solution.
> No I hope that your mentioned tools will do the job :).

If the problem is only Italian, I can bring the subject up in our l10n
mailing-list and see if there is an agreement on it being worth enabling
the email interface back. 

Also you could choose the email and Italian would have to cope with the
80+ description manually without having the other languages do so.

It would be maybe nice to know if Italian is the only language with the
email interface disabled, so you could make a more informed decision,

thanks for taking our "problem" into consideration.


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