Hi Martin,

Martin Eberhard Schauer schrieb am 15.02.2014, 22:55 +0100:
>> Basically you send an email with the original package description and the
>> translation. If you've fetched something via the email interface,
>that's the
>> format you should use. Or use this as a template:
>> http://ddtp.debian.net/ddt.cgi?desc_id=218830&getuntrans=de
>You can also wget the the descriptions.
>> (If you do this, please use "Description-<lang>.UTF-8:" as a header
>to avoid
>> encoding issues).
>The header comes before the translated short description. To
>illustrate this,
>I attached a real-life example that made it through the mail interface. The
>mail interface is alive.
>> In any case, if you find templates and use them to make a list of
>> translations, there are tools to get them into the database directly. So
>> focus on that part and post the result here for review. Once you
>get buy in
>> we can get them into the database.
>It's great that you want to contribute to DDTP. It would be even greater to
>coordinate with the two folks that do most of the German
Please tell me whom to contact (I guess you are one of those to).

>Reviews are very beneficial for the overall quality of the translations.
>I see your point. There are lots of routine descriptions out there, e.g.
>kernel-related ones. They should not be a burden for the day to day work.
For me it wouldn't be a problem to let the templates be checked by one of your
team, so that we create the translation template, you check it and I upload it
into the database.

Web: http://www.crustulus.de | Blog: 
Freies Latein-Deutsch-Wörterbuch: http://www.crustulus.de/freedict.de.html
FreeDict: Free multilingual dictionary databases - http://www.freedict.org

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