On 14/09/13 10:14 AM, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Quoting Fòram na Gàidhlig (f...@foramnagaidhlig.net):
>>> This has to be discussed with the maintainer of Tuwpaint in Debian. I
>>> would suggest you to file a wishlist bug reportagainst that package,
>>> with the above explanation....and as much help as you can give him|her
>>> to fix the problem (such as attaching the correct translation to the
>>> bug report).

Fòram, Please do that.

> From the debian/control file in the tuxpaint package, the maintainer
> is Ben Armstrong. I don't see Ben's name in the AUTHORS.txt file of
> Tuxpaint unless I'm missing something.

Christian, you're not missing anything. I'm not an upstream maintainer,
just the Debian maintainer.

> Really, I think a bug report should be filed against the Debian
> package, with the new translation and an explanation of why you're
> asking for a replacement of the existing one.

Sure. I would be happy to apply such a patch. Also, I've always been on
good terms with upstream. I will see what I can do to see that they
release with fixed translations.


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