(please answer to the mailing list)

Quoting Fòram na Gàidhlig (f...@foramnagaidhlig.net):
> Hi all,
> we are having a problem with a translator who translates a lot of
> stuff into our language (Scottish Gaelic) on Launchpad, but who
> isn't qualified to do so. We have also just identified him on
> Transifex.
> We have asked him to stop using the Reviewer role on Launchpad, but
> so far he won't. So, we're chasing our tail here. We just noticed
> that some of the packages he translated ended up in Debian as well.
> Do you import these packages from somewhere else, or are these
> direct translations?

Just like most software that are non specific to Debian, these
translations come from "upstream" releases of each of these
software. The maintainers of the relevant Debian packages just take
them as they are provided.

> The packages I am talking about are cinnamon, docky, bisho,
> aptdaemon and indicator-session.

cinnamon is not a Debian-specific package, so the problem here has to
be dealt with the upstream developer of that software

The same stands for docky, bisho and indicator-session.

The problem is mostly that many software authors now think about
Launchpad as a kind of good way to get translations and therefore,
it's very likely that upstream authors have just "taken" translations
(either automatically or manually) from there because they think they're good.

aptdaemon more seems to be Debian/Ubuntu/derivatives specific...but I
suspect that translations also come from Launchpad.

So, there are two solutions:
- either you contact *upstream* authors of these software and ask them
about dropping the Scottish Gaelic translation
- or you discuss with Launchpad admins and request for the rogue
translations to be removed.

I think the latter is much more likely to be successful.

> The Tuxpaint translations (done by somebody who was a rookie
> translator way back when) are also unusable. We did a new
> translation ages ago, but the Tuxpaint devs haven't done an l10n
> release since then. Is it possible to send you an updated
> translation for Tuxpaint, or can you grab it from their repository?

This has to be discussed with the maintainer of Tuwpaint in Debian. I
would suggest you to file a wishlist bug reportagainst that package,
with the above explanation....and as much help as you can give him|her
to fix the problem (such as attaching the correct translation to the
bug report).

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