Alexander, thanks for your reply.

On 01/04/2010, at 12:49 AM, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:

> Hi Clytie!
> Clytie Siddall schrieb:
>>>>> * I guess one weekend is okay for you to finish the translation?
>>>> It may be a bit short, in that case IMO releasing the translation may be
>>>> up to the translation team.
>>> Well, the problem is, that the more time we give translators, the more 
>>> things can happen in the meantime.
>> How long is Debian News normally?
> Uhm... Looking at the wml files they varied between 162 and 440 lines. But 
> includes some repeated content (statistics about open release critical bugs, 
> for example), which once translated only needs to be changed for the newest 
> numbers.
> > In what format will we receive it?
> webwml as used for Debian's website.
> > Do you have any translation guidelines or formatting rules?
> has some information on 
> using svn, the most important things about the format of the wml files, some 
> hints for translators.  There is also 
> with some (rough) style 
> guidelines.
> If there's something missing, please tell me / 
>, so we can add it :)
>> Looking at the text, maybe some teams can prioritize items according to 
>> their community's needs, and summarize them as well, although that's 
>> difficult with the brief paras.
> I fear it will be difficult; however if some translation teams don't think a 
> specific entry is interesting enough for their readers, I won't stop them 
> from summarizing / skipping that item.
> However, I would hope that isn't often the case, as one of the purposes of 
> the DPN is to inform about things you might miss otherwise, to see that 
> things happen.
>> I also couldn't find DPN in SVN.
> It's in a separate repository.
>> Or is this it?
> Yes and no ;)  Debian's website are managed via CVS.  The subversion 
> repository you find is an experiment to see, if it is possible to move from 
> CVS to svn, which is not used for the website.  So you found some old 
> released issues.
> However, the news is drafted in a separate repository.

Next time you send a request to the list, please include introductory 
information like this (size, URL of guidelines, location of repo) for 
translators who haven't worked with the material before. This saves us time we 
could be spending on translations, and helps us understand what you're asking.
>> Sorry, I can't translate the Debian News into Vietnamese. However, if you 
>> come across anyone who might be able to help with Vietnamese translation, 
>> don't let him or her get away!
> I'll keep that in mind :)
>> (Chocolate works for me. Debian Vietnamese translation runs almost entirely 
>> on Cadbury chocolate. I'm thinking of putting in for a chocolate support 
>> grant. ;) )
> If I ever get to see you in real life, I'll surely bring you some of my 
> favourite chocolate!  Do you like Macadamia nuts?

I prefer cashews, myself. My husband goes further: his parents had a macadamia 
nut farm in Queensland, and I get the impression he had to work on it a lot in 
the school/uni holidays. He hates macadamias. ;)

But thankyou for the offer. I'll certainly take you up on the chocolate. :D

from Clytie 

Vietnamese Free Software Translation Team

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